
Reflection 5 (Self-doubt)

  This week's lesson is the same as last week. Watch the video and record the sound of what we get from the video. The Video explains self-doubt and what are the keys to dealing with it. Self-doubt is a mental conversation in which our mind questions our ability to find a desirable solution to a perceived problem. Self-doubt can silence our intuition and steer us away from even finding out what we really really want. There are a few keys to faces our self-doubt and go for what we really really want. The 1 st key is to share our self-doubt with people we trust so we can find the courage to continue. The 2 nd key to overcoming self-doubt is to develop a loving relationship with self-doubt so you can go for what you really want. The 3 rd to overcome self-doubt is to forgive ourselves for our past failures and mistakes so we can harvest wisdom from them. This week, we didn’t have any virtual meet. Hope we can see each other next time, and discuss about the material or our perspe

Reflection 4 (Studying Abroad) - Academic Speaking

This week, the lecturer gave instructions to watch the video link that has been provided. The title is "Go International: How Studying Abroad can change your life". The point that I get was the importance to study abroad. We can improve the quality of our skills development to be used in the world of work later. We will also really understand how to think critically so that we can easily adapt to the work environment. Communication is the most important thing we get when we study abroad. We can easily communicate with people who speak a different language from us. In addition to language, we also get cultural culture when studying abroad. We will increasingly understand the cultures of countries that are different from the culture of our own country. Then, we will increasingly realize that each country has its own uniqueness. After watching the video, then the lecturer gave instructions to record our voice with the contents of the recording and what we can understand from

Reflection 3 (Virtual Meeting) - Academic Speaking

  Last week, we had a virtual meeting, and it was supposed to hold at noon, but we have to reschedule it for the night. The meeting discussed the assignment that had been given a week earlier, it is about the discussion of a topic that has been chosen with a group of friends. The lecturer asked what we got from the discussion. Then, there will be someone who conveys their opinion or reflection. I heard some friends give their opinions or experiences about the discussions they chose. After that, we discuss the thing we must do for our mid-term test, and we have to create a blog for making a reflection on the meeting that we had. At first, I don’t really get what a thing we have to do and PIC give an instruction on how to fulfill our mid-term task. But this task doesn’t give me something to increase my skill. I only understand when the lecturer gives us our material, But this meeting doesn’t give me a thing. Yes, we have a meeting and it is supposed to be a session for our skill of spe

Reflection 2 (Growth Mindset) - Academic Speaking

       This week, the lecture give me and my friends an assignment. We must do the presentation online and we must record it. Same with last week. But there is a difference. We have to make a PPT and be given some topics that we have to choose from. My team chose the topic of the importance of a growth mindset. I'm getting some information about growth mindset, and fixed mindset. It turns out that a person with a fixed mindset tends to be in the same place and does not want to accept failure. In contrast to the developing minds who like challenges because they think challenges make them learn from mistakes. I shared the material with my friends. This week was quite fun for me, in contrast to last week. Maybe it's because of the different topics and also, I'm more integrated with my team. We discussed and shared information about each other's materials that they got. Determine the PPT theme, and much more I do with my friends. However, I don't feel like I'm ful

Reflection 1 (Critical Thinking) - Academic Speaking

     Last week, I've learned about Critical Thinking and I have to relate it to education which is for university students. For me, critical thinking is about rationality and logic, so people can make a decision, and solve their problem, or they will be more open to other people's thoughts or to different opinions. All these good things will eventually make them more confident. People must have these critical thinking skills, especially university students. Because critical thinking is one of the most important academic skills that teach students to ask about their own understanding and knowledge of the information that has been presented to students. This skill is also important for students as it gives them the ability to think in the right way and solve problems in a more efficient and methodical way. We can implement this for learning material. Like discussing with friends. We can give our opinion about something, and other people can also hear our opinion.    By conducti